Friday, November 20, 2015

Csc104 second blogger.

     Time passes silently, we've almost been the end of terms as we take glance at the calendar unconcientply.  In this week we've been through the first project of csc104 which requested us to build a maze. In the duration of the project, we've met some useful functions that we had to define them ourselves. For example, "count-in" helps us to count how many cells adjacent to the given cell; "random-element" gets us a random cell in a list; "try-move" prevent the catty from move off the grid and move on rock and shrubs. Frankly, first time seeing the project I felt tough as we have never been asked to do such a huge task. Secondly it requests us to be very careful about every single clause and make sure we do right as far otherwise we cannot move on. As we doing it, one main problem is rocks and shrubs were filled all over the maze except one cell where the catty stands on. After checking all the functions over and over we found out the bug was on function "try" since we set the wrong condition. Another problem was how do we make the catty cannot move off the grid. Finally we got it because we set "and" instead of "or" for the boolean which was very dump. 
     All in all, we made it perfectly ( I think..) at the end. I first time find how excited and overjoyed my partner and I when we see the catty is actually move in the maze smoothly. It's really expressive and I appreciate those moment when we find out the problem and solve them one by one until we make it. : )


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